Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Sontag in the opening pages of chapter 8 is trying to get at the ignorant people who think human beings are not capable of doing great harm to one another. Sontag finds it incomprehensible for a person of adult age to believe that humans are incapable of doing great harm even when provided with evidence. She refers to these people of not reaching moral or psychological adulthood.

I personally believe she right and wrong we all have seen gruesome things in our lives that one person has done to another especially our nightly news has done a good job documenting such events, so Sontag thinks this person has no excuse to be surprise when a person do something harmful to another person.

At the same time, she can be wrong to refer people as ignorant for not accepting the moral flaws some people have. She also does not take in to account people moral tolerances for such actions. I mean you would not expect a nun to have the same tolerance of a police officer when it comes to some gruesome images.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Global Warming

I plan to write my research paper on global warming and its effect on climate. I pick this topic because the evidence on global warming is overwhelming for naysayer to continue to believe that this problem does not exist. Even big oil his step up and see that global warming is real I will present both side of this argument and provide credible evidence for both.

I also plan on showing how the earth has never been hotter in the last 400 hundred years. The devastating effects it is having on our polar ice caps and the extreme weather conditions we are experiencing right now. How animal species are being wipe off the map because there habitats are endanger.

All of my sources will come from credible and reputable sources such as NPR,, Scientific Consensus on Global Warming just to name a few.
I will make two significant points, one will be that humans have cause this problem and two that humans will have to fix this problem.